Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Estudio Damgo - Week 6

It's all about concrete these days.  The project continues to stay on schedule regardless of all the site access issues we have encountered the past weeks.  We were unable to access the site during week 5 because of the rushing water from typhoon Pablo, which flooded out the road to the school.  Now, a week later, we have mobilized the yellow concrete mixer, and bags of cement and gravel.  Our plans are to have the four inch slab-on-grade poured before we break for the holidays this December 21st.  We have some help from the Foundation U campus work crew (dressed in orange t-shirts) for the heavy lifting and experience on more complicated tasks.  Meanwhile, the students assist in cutting, bending, and tying re-bar which is now  completely laid out in an organized grid.

 Daryl uses the tamper to compact the backfill and prepping the foundation for the slab-on-grade.

Al uses a stable foot while cutting the re-bar.

Al and I switch off cutting the re-bar when our hands get tired.  I barely fit on the miniature chair provided by the school. 

Daryl and Efren take a moment while they mix the concrete grout for the hollow block wall.

One of the Foundation U crew workers uses a hook to tie the re-bar together.  He's very quick and natural using this tool.

Von holds up a sample of the square re-bar being formed for the columns.  Rhea and Leigh assist in bending the bar.

Al helps shovel the concrete into place.

Students tie re-bar into place.  Efren works on one of the column forms.

 Instructor Ray, Cheyenne, and Daryl cut tie wire on the sidelines.

The crew at work, mixing and pouring. 

 Three school girls quietly watch all the construction happening in their play yard.

One of the site roosters pokes around for worms.  After 1/4 of the slab was poured, we found a display of rooster tracks.  We'll see if there are any more when we return to the site the following week.  Not much we can do to keep them off the slab.  

The site at the end of week 6.  We are satisfied with the progress made today!  It is always a good feeling after a successful pour.  Looking forward to completing it before the holidays.

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